Some masterpieces

The church houses splendid works that complete and decorate the interior. The altar area definitely attracts attention. Composed of a series of wonderful elements, the structure behind the altar is a carving masterpiece. It is richly elaborate and a dozen columns surmounted by putto heads compl...
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A half-Baroque church

The church of the Annunziata is located on Via dell'Annunziata, not far from Via Roma. It is one of the oldest churches in Palazzolo, probably built between the 12th and 14th centuries. It was not spared by the tragic earthquake of 1693 and was partially destroyed. The confraternity of the Annunz...
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Feasting in Palazzolo

In Palazzolo Acreide [approfondimenti id="21762" testo_link="St. Sebastian"] is so highly revered that there are two feasts! The first celebration takes place on the 20th of January, the official day, and the other on the 10th of August. The summer feast is not only important from the religious poi...
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A majestic and luminous church

The church of San Sebastiano (St. Sebastian) is above street level and accessed by a long flight of stairs. The façade, 35 metres tall and made of white limestone, was designed by the master architect Mario Diamanti of Syracuse. [caption id="attachment_15067" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Th...
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St. Sebastian, so much work!

The church of [approfondimenti id="21762" testo_link="San Sebastiano"] (St. Sebastian) is located in the centre of Palazzolo Acreide, a few metres from the town hall in Piazza del Popolo. Over the centuries the church was rebuilt and modernised several times. The first religious building dedicated ...
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The city of museums

Palazzolo Acreide is an active and eventful town. In the town centre there are some interesting museums that tell the story of Palazzolo and new technology. For example, there is the Museo dell'Informatica Funzionante in Via Carnevale 17, founded by three organisations passionate about computer sci...
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The two churches

The two main churches of Palazzolo Acreide, the Church of San Paolo (St. Paul) and the Church of San Sebastiano (St. Sebastian), are excellent examples of the particular late Baroque style.    They stand out from the other buildings in the town and hold particular significance. Each with their ...
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One city, three sites

Palazzolo Acreide is located further inland in Syracuse and is one of the oldest towns in the Val di Noto.Also struck by the 1693 earthquake, it was reborn from its rubble in the same location. Here the Baroque style fits in perfectly with the narrow, dense medieval streets. Light enters the square...
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The senses tell the story of the Church of the Annunciation

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The senses tell the story of the Church of San Sebastiano

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