Wonderful quick decorations

A strike of colour leaves you breathless as you enter the church of [approfondimenti id="21564" testo_link="San Benedetto"] (St. Benedict) on Via dei Crociferi. The paintings that decorate the interior have a timeless beauty. The painter Giovanni Tuccari was commissioned to fresco the church. He c...
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The Staircase of Angels

The entrance to the wonderful church of San Benedetto (St. Benedict) is up the scala degli angeli (staircase of angels). It was built to solve the problem of connecting the church to the street level, which is 7 metres lower. The staircase is one of the most characteristic examples of Sicilian Baro...
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San Benedetto: a treasure reopened to the public

The church of San Benedetto (St. Benedict) is part of a larger complex including the monastery and a small church where the MACS (Museo Arte Contemporanea Sicilia, Sicily Contemporary Art Museum) is now located. It was also part of the reorganisation after the earthquake in 1693. In fact, the Bene...
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Garden of Novices and the restorations by Giancarlo De Carlo

The Giardino dei Novizi (Garden of Novices) is one of the most fascinating places in the monastery. Over the centuries it has suffered a great deal of damage and experienced various transformations. In 1977 work began to restore the monastery, supervised by architect [approfondimenti id="21551" tes...
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The kitchen, a treasure chest of colours

One of the most evocative rooms of the monastery is the kitchen. Like the refectory, antirefectory, library and museum, the space dedicated to preparing food was designed by [approfondimenti id="23700" testo_link="Giovan Battista Vaccarini"] and its construction began in 1739. The architect had t...
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Places of knowledge: the Benedictines’ library

The work of the Benedictines not only followed religious and charitable commitments, but scientific undertakings, too. The monastery's first collection of books was probably created at its foundation and used exclusively by the monks. The monks also followed [approfondimenti id="21492" testo_link="s...
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A miniature city

The Benedictine monastery of Catania, with its long history, is also known as "the city within the city". Its large size and dozens of activities taking place inside make it seem like a small city, bordered by large walls and capable of interesting cultural exchange with the surrounding urban fabric...
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The Benedictine Monastery, one of the largest in Europe

Located on the hill of Montevergine is one of the city's largest complexes and the second largest monastic complex in Europe. Benedictine monastery of Catania has a very long history marked by the passage of time (one testimony includes the remains of a Roman domus, or house), civilisations and nat...
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San Nicolò l’Arena: an unfinished church

Located in Piazza Dante in the historic centre of Catania, the church of San Nicolò l'Arena is the spiritual heart of the monastery. It was built after Etna's eruption in 1669, replacing an older building from the Renaissance period. The façade is striking for the giant proportions of the eight c...
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The interior and its masterpieces

Once inside the church your eye is driven upwards, attracted by the majestic dome decorated in 1842 by Catanese painter Giuseppe Rapisardi. The fresco depicts St. Beryl, the city's third [approfondimenti id="21436" testo_link="patron saint"], as St. Peter gives him the task of founding the Catanese ...
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