The beautiful Zisa and its garden: solacium regi among sounds, colours and scents

The Zisa palace, from the Arabic al-Azīz, which means the glorious or the splendid, is the most representative of the entire Genoard park. It was built, probably on Islamic pre-existing structures, at the behest of [approfondimenti id="48702" testo_link="William I"], known as the Bad, in 1165, a fe...
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The loca solatiorum: dwellings for recreation, well-being and hunting

Domus, castrum or palatium, buildings dedicated to leisure and hunting, located in parks, gardens and scenic spots, were called loca solatiorum. These buildings were located far from the urban centre, in areas of lush greenery, enriched by the presence of springs, fishponds, artificial lakes, garden...
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The Genoard Park, the garden of pleasures and wonders

Palermo in [approfondimenti id="48648" testo_link="Islamic"] and subsequently  [approfondimenti id="48649" testo_link="Norman"] times was surrounded by numerous parks and gardens, organised around palaces, monasteries and splendid residences, both winter and summer. [caption id="attachment_44975...
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The senses tell the historical context

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