The transformation also affected the chapels and the side aisles, with the relocation of some of the rooms and, in particular, the movement of the [approfondimenti id="48173" testo_link="southern portico"] by about five metres towards the forecourt. Small domes were placed on the side aisles to give...
Once the clergy's appeal was accepted, the royal architect [approfondimenti id="48031" testo_link="Ferdinando Fuga"] was commissioned to draw up a major project for the “restoration” of Palermo Cathedral. The project was then implemented in the construction work, carried out from 1781 to 1801 by...
The common fate of most Romanesque churches was that they were transformed in the following centuries according to the style of the time. Some were profoundly modified and others were decorated with added compositions, without altering their original character.
A similar fate befell the Palermo Cat...
Four sarcophagi are placed in corresponding areas of the chapel, that of Roger II and Constance of Hauteville in the background, the funerary monuments of Frederick II and Henry VI in the first position. The first King of Sicily rests in a sepulchre, with a rectangular case, covered with slabs of re...
In the following centuries, the Cathedral did not undergo any particular remodelling or substantial changes. In the 14th century, the western façade was completed and the four towers were raised, the side chapels were added and some liturgical spaces were transformed or enlarged.In the 15th and 16t...
Due to the modifications and transformations carried out in the second half of the 12th century at the behest of Archbishop [approfondimenti id="48014" testo_link="Gualtiero"], the medieval layout of the Cathedral remained almost unchanged until the end of the 18th century, when the sacred building ...
The Palermo Cathedral was designed as an [approfondimenti id="48012" testo_link="ecclesia munita"], a system already conceived for the [approfondimenti id="48135" testo_link="Cefalù Cathedral"] and for the coeval construction of [approfondimenti id="48114" testo_link="Monreale"], creating a series ...
The first survey of the royal tombs dates back to 1781, during the [approfondimenti id="50957" testo_link="restoration of the Cathedral"], when they were moved from their original location in the Presbytery to the new chapel at the beginning of the right-hand nave.
[caption id="attachment_44794" al...
The Chapel of the Royal Tombs, inside the Palermo Cathedral, houses the tombs of the Norman first king of Sicily, [approfondimenti id="47990" testo_link="Roger II"], [approfondimenti id="48286" testo_link="Constance of Hauteville"] and [approfondimenti id="50974" testo_link="Henry VI of Swabia"] and...
This document, written by Gualtiero, was mistranslated in the past, leading to errors made by later historiographers and scholars who interpreted the chapel as having been demolished, failing to identify its exact location. A careful reading and translation of the above-mentioned petition shows that...
MiC – Ministero della Cultura
Legge 77/2006 - Misure Speciali di Tutela e Fruizione dei Siti Italiani di Interesse Culturale, Paesaggistico e Ambientale, inseriti nella “Lista Del Patrimonio Mondiale”, posti sotto la Tutela dell’ UNESCO Regione Siciliana.
Assessorato dei Beni Culturali e dell’Identità Siciliana, Dipartimento dei Beni Culturali e dell’Identità Siciliana.
Parco archeologico della Valle dei Templi di Agrigento.