The chapel of the crucifix: an artistic casket based on a previous model
A significant trace, still visible in the architecture of Monreale Cathedral, can be attributed to Archbishop [approfondimenti id="49738" testo_link="Giovanni Ruano"], who built the Chapel of the Crucifix, his main work inside the Temple. It was consecrated in 1692, after a short period of work betw...
The mosaic of the Virgin Odigitria, located in the [approfondimenti id="49717" testo_link="lunette"] above the main entrance, concludes the journey towards Salvation, explained in the entire mosaic cycle that runs through the [approfondimenti id="49683" testo_link="aisles"], the [approfondimenti id=...
A symbol of the splendour of Baroque art, [approfondimenti id="49754" testo_link="St. Benedict"]'s Chapel is located between the right arm of the [approfondimenti id="48162" testo_link="transept"] and the [approfondimenti id="48169" testo_link="nave"], adjacent to the northern wing of the [approfo...
A polysemy of high-level artistic forms and content
With its volumes, the chapel dominates the area above the passageway and extends, with a central plan, covered by a hexagonal dome resting on a square and adorned with pairs of [approfondimenti id="49719" testo_link="pilasters"], alternating with the small windows inserted in the [approfondimenti id...
A mixture of styles pervades the floor decorations
Amidst a mixture of different classical, Byzantine and Arab artistic influences, the temple’s magnificence religiously evokes the sumptuousness of a domus aurea with its one hundred and thirty paintings with a gold background, which are spread throughout the rooms of the Cathedral. In the splendou...
The mosaic cycle, with the great story of Man and Salvation, inspired by Genesis, the Gospels and the Apocalypse, concludes with the decorations of the three [approfondimenti id="48111" testo_link="apses"], which represent the apex of the ascending path, begun in the [approfondimenti id="49683" test...
The mosaics of the [approfondimenti id="48169" testo_link="nave"], featuring scenes from [approfondimenti id="49783" testo_link="the Old"] and [approfondimenti id="49784" testo_link="New Testaments"], as well as the interplay of columns that runs through and punctuates the interior of the cathedral,...
The sublime feeling that greets those who enter the Monreale Cathedral takes the form of a dialogue between different cultures, starting from the feeling of infinity symbolically profused in the message of faith inherent in the [approfondimenti id="49668" testo_link="Western Latin tradition"] and th...
Looking back over the centuries, one naturally wonders about the atmosphere that permeated this place, introduced by the long rows of the [approfondimenti id="48169" testo_link="central nave’s columns"], which accompany the gaze in an ever closer succession of [approfondimenti id="48750" testo_lin...
The Great Presbytery: a unique space for the cathedral
In the Cathedral of Monreale, there is a particular spatial composition of the [approfondimenti id="49932" testo_link="presbyteral area"], consisting of a double volume, in some cases also called double [approfondimenti id="48162" testo_link="transept"].
It is this typology, unique in Sicily for No...
MiC – Ministero della Cultura
Legge 77/2006 - Misure Speciali di Tutela e Fruizione dei Siti Italiani di Interesse Culturale, Paesaggistico e Ambientale, inseriti nella “Lista Del Patrimonio Mondiale”, posti sotto la Tutela dell’ UNESCO Regione Siciliana.
Assessorato dei Beni Culturali e dell’Identità Siciliana, Dipartimento dei Beni Culturali e dell’Identità Siciliana.
Parco archeologico della Valle dei Templi di Agrigento.