The side Portico: a combination of elegance and lightness of form

We turn our attention towards the northern entrance, which immediately appears smaller and less plastic than the main one. Evidence of its existence has reached us through the provisions of the [approfondimenti id="49524" testo_link="Royal Visitor Monsignor Francesco Vento"] who, in 1542, ordered it...
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The plasticism of the main portico and Bonanno Pisano’s Monumental Bronze Door

The front elevation of the Cathedral is distinguished by the sense of grandeur of its portico. From its very foundation, it was intended to take the faithful on a journey, steeped in mysticism and wonder, into the imposing building of Monreale, dedicated to Santa Maria la Nuova.Nothing remains of ...
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The towers and the western facade

The position of the towers on each side of the main façade of the Monreale Cathedral corresponds, in terms of width and depth, with the measurements of a portico, built at the same time as the church. Due to a collapse, it was replaced by the one we see today, which dates back to 1770. The imposin...
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The dialogue between the architectures of the monumental complex

[caption id="attachment_39435" align="aligncenter" width="900"] The central courtyard of the cloister is canonically defined as a garden, in which no flower essences are planted because they are deciduous; instead, the flowers are sculpted in the capitals, in the eternal nature of the stone. The gar...
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The senses tell the exterior of the cathedral

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