The architectural modifications ti the cathedral building after the death of Roger II and the transformations of the cloister

After 1154, the architects and craftsmen worked to reduced the height of the[approfondimenti id="38427" testo_link="nave"] and, consequently, that of the side aisles with their respective windows, with respect to the original design, which was followed until the construction of the [approfondimenti ...
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Squaring the circle

Entering the cloister of Cefalù Cathedral not only means plunging into a path steeped in medieval art that seems to reawaken the different decorative motifs animating the capitals of the columns as we pass, but also being pervaded by an architecture of light. In accordance with Christian symbolism...
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The stone bible

[caption id="attachment_40641" align="aligncenter" width="900"] The double columns of the Cefalù Cathedral cloister are characterised by the presence of preciously decorated twin capitals, an example of Romanesque sculpture with an international air. The thirty-three pairs of historiated capitals, ...
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The original design

The cloister of Cefalù’s Basilica of the Transfiguration is the central nucleus of that vast collection of buildings that make up the conventual complex, erected next to the Cathedral.Over the centuries, there haven’t been any documents able to give us a precise construction date, so studies ar...
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The chystro: a place between earth and sky

There are fantastic, fairytale places in the world, between earth and sky, spiritual places and places evoked by legends and myths that speak of distant lands and that populate our childhood memories. Examples include the ones narrated by Marco Polo, on his return from his journey to the faraway Ka...
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A cloister of accentuated stylistic variety

Monreale, together with Cefalù, represents an example of [approfondimenti id="49692" testo_link="Church-Cathedrals"] with an annexed convent [approfondimenti id="49694" testo_link="cloister"], rare in Europe.In the Middle Ages, it became the beating heart of monastic life by combining spiritual and...
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The Bible carved in stone

The most common theory, which attributes the sculptural work to workers of different origins, has been countered by a more recent hypothesis alleging that the decorations were made by a single team of master stone masons who came to Sicily from the south of France. he aisles, the sides of which for...
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The chapel of the crucifix: an artistic casket based on a previous model

A significant trace, still visible in the architecture of Monreale Cathedral, can be attributed to Archbishop [approfondimenti id="49738" testo_link="Giovanni Ruano"], who built the Chapel of the Crucifix, his main work inside the Temple. It was consecrated in 1692, after a short period of work betw...
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The Virgin Hodegetria

The mosaic of the Virgin Odigitria, located in the [approfondimenti id="49717" testo_link="lunette"] above the main entrance, concludes the journey towards Salvation, explained in the entire mosaic cycle that runs through the [approfondimenti id="49683" testo_link="aisles"], the [approfondimenti id=...
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The chapel of St. Benedict

A symbol of the splendour of Baroque art, [approfondimenti id="49754" testo_link="St. Benedict"]'s  Chapel is located between the right arm of the [approfondimenti id="48162" testo_link="transept"] and the [approfondimenti id="48169" testo_link="nave"], adjacent to the northern wing of the [approfo...
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