The decorated facade

The main façade, rising to the west, is enclosed between two imposing square towers with a pyramid-shaped apex. They are a reminder of its original function as [approfondimenti id="51056" testo_link="Ecclesia Munita"], a fortress church, with a series of multi-level walkways, now uncovered, built w...
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The marble portal: an intimate dialogue between complex ornamental aspects and formal structure

The ancient portal, dating back to the second half of the 12th century, is still a fine example of architecture today, although time has compromised the sculptural work by master stone carvers from the Romanesque period. It became part of that vast programme of furnishings aimed at embellishing the ...
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A compositional design that combines nordic examples with new artistic languages, over the centuries

Even to this day, when we look at the Cathedral of Cefalù, we can see the gradual architectural transformations forged over time, compared to the original site of Roger, unlike the plan of the building that has remained almost completely unchanged. It displays a subtle dialogue with the [approfondi...
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The senses tell the facade and the portico

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