Antechamber of the cubiculum with alcove of the South main apartment

The myth of Eros and Pan

The south main apartments consist of several rooms connected by a semicircular portico, whose mosaic floor represents maritime scenes with fisherman cherubs .Located in the northern part of the quarter, the spaces are composed of two rooms.
The antechamber is used as a vestibule that leads into a more secluded room with an alcove.
The antechamber is characterised by the myth of the battle between Eros , and  Pan depicted in the mosaic floor. The god of love is depicted as a child, whereas Pan has a rough and wild appearance.

A large banquet hall

Date Clues

The public rooms of the Villa

Pars Fructuaria e Pars Rustica

A room dedicated to the sea

The myth of Orpheus

The layout of the rooms

The composition of the spaces

The Latifundium

A dignified setting dedicated to the myth of Arion

A decoration that marks time

The Mansio of Sophiana

The Mansio, a stopping place

The Peristyle of the Villa

The room of the seasons