Xystus and rooms of the ovoid Portico

The room of the Grape-Harvesting cherubs

In another room in the quarter, the mosaic floor depicts some winged cherubs , adorned with jewels and armlets , intent on picking grapes in the middle of vine shoots.
The ornament is presented like embroidery that embellishes the whole scene, where we can see a figure of an old man inside a medallion.
The whole scene describes the technique of vine cultivation undoubtedly present in the latifundium surrounding the Villa. The figure enclosed in the medallion is portrayed with white-hair surrounded by a vine shoot, and a long beard.
The typology of the representation can be traced back to the depiction of Silenus , the tutor of Dionysus , or of Autumn.

The myth of Orpheus

A large banquet hall

The Mansio, a stopping place

A room dedicated to the sea

A dignified setting dedicated to the myth of Arion

A decoration that marks time

The Peristyle of the Villa

The composition of the spaces

The Latifundium

Date Clues

The public rooms of the Villa

The layout of the rooms

The Mansio of Sophiana

Pars Fructuaria e Pars Rustica

The room of the seasons