The decoration that appears along the walls of the porticoed corridor is made up of fragmentary [approfondimenti id="33529" testo_link="frescoes"], superimposed on plaster fragments with floral decorations dating back to an earlier period. On the southern side, next to the entrance to the [approfond...
The mosaic decoration of the floor covers the entire porticoed corridor around the [approfondimenti id="33328" testo_link="peristyle"] with a continuous strip of 162 squares decorated with a braided motif, with garlands of laurel leaves in the centre that frame [approfondimenti id="33504" testo_link...
In the Villa del Casale the peristyle plays a significant role in connecting the various rooms; it has a planimetric dimension of around 30 by 20 metres, and is quadrangular in shape. The [approfondimenti id="33489" testo_link="colonnaded portico"] that surrounds it connects, to the north, the area...
Small or large, the peristyle is a typological characteristic, common and constant, for all Roman [approfondimenti id="33477" testo_link="domus"]. The term peristyle indicates a courtyard, surrounded by a covered portico, usually with a pitched roof, into which the various rooms of the house faced.I...
MiC – Ministero della Cultura
Legge 77/2006 - Misure Speciali di Tutela e Fruizione dei Siti Italiani di Interesse Culturale, Paesaggistico e Ambientale, inseriti nella “Lista Del Patrimonio Mondiale”, posti sotto la Tutela dell’ UNESCO Regione Siciliana.
Assessorato dei Beni Culturali e dell’Identità Siciliana, Dipartimento dei Beni Culturali e dell’Identità Siciliana.
Parco archeologico della Valle dei Templi di Agrigento.