The Thermal Baths: between wellness and social relations
In Rome, the system of [approfondimenti id="33355" testo_link="thermal baths"] had developed based on the therapeutic knowledge of Galenic medicine, which touted the benefits of sweating alternated with massage and hot and cold ablutions.
Depending on its function, the Roman baths had rooms with di...
The Frigidarium of the Villa is the most refined room due to its octagonal shape and decoration.
The room demonstrates its elegance in the rich architectural structure, the marble finishes and the mosaic floor decorated with a marine procession inside the octagon.In the four lateral niches were the...
MiC – Ministero della Cultura
Legge 77/2006 - Misure Speciali di Tutela e Fruizione dei Siti Italiani di Interesse Culturale, Paesaggistico e Ambientale, inseriti nella “Lista Del Patrimonio Mondiale”, posti sotto la Tutela dell’ UNESCO Regione Siciliana.
Assessorato dei Beni Culturali e dell’Identità Siciliana, Dipartimento dei Beni Culturali e dell’Identità Siciliana.
Parco archeologico della Valle dei Templi di Agrigento.