The senses tell The Gran Cratere of the Fossa

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The senses tell the port of Vulcano

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“Vulcanian” eruptions

A vulcanian eruption is an explosive type of eruption, emitting lava fragments into the atmosphere which do not take on a round shape during flight, as they are too viscous or already partially solidified. [dettaglio_immagine id="41485"] The typical shape is therefore that of a rugby ball. These e...
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The Gran Cratere of the Fossa: when the volcano becomes a sculptor

The Gran Cratere of the Fossa stands above the port of Vulcano. Though not very tall, with just 400 metres of height, its charm is immense, because you have the chance to see a genuine volcano whose current activity is given by the numerous fumaroles on its summit. [caption id="attachment_18249" ...
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The malleability of Vulcano’s mud

One of the most famous tourist attractions of Vulcano is its thermal mud baths. These are two hot mud pools where you can benefit from their thermal properties. It is really curious to observe the mud pools, which are grey and literally “boil”, taking on a completely malleable behaviour, adjust...
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Where do Vulcano’s gases come from?

Vulcano’s [approfondimenti id="31430" testo_link="fumarole"] gases are not entirely of volcanic origin. The magma deep below the surface and its gases have temperatures between 850 and 1050 °C. At great depths the gases are dissolved inside the magma, but when it rises above certain altitudes, ...
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Between brush strokes of sulphur and clouds of steam: the fumaroles of the port of Vulcano

The port area of Vulcano is one that remains most impressed in the mind of visitors to the Aeolian Islands. The first thing you notice as you step off the hydrofoil is the classic smell of “rotten egg”, the unmistakable fumes coming from the volcanic [approfondimenti id="31410" testo_link="fumar...
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Myths and legends about volcanoes

Greek mythology placed the forge of [approfondimenti id="31417" testo_link="Hephaestus"] in the cavern of volcanoes. According to legend, the strange noises heard in the caverns of the island of Vulcano were made by the hammers and the crackling of the fire of the god’s forge. In Christian times...
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Vulcano, the youngest of the Aeolian works of art

The Island of Vulcano is a perfect example of how the shapes and colours created by its magmatic nature change over time. It is one of the youngest of the Aeolian Islands, as subaerial activity began “only” 127,000 years ago. In this “brief” time, however, several [approfondimenti id="31376"...
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