
When the temples were colourful

In ancient times, Greek temples did not only feature the pale marble and rough terracotta surface that we see today, a result of abrasion over the millennia. They were actually decorated with bright colours obtained using cinnabar, ochre or mercury sulphide, and many other pigments already known an...
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Prodigies of nature: the colours of rainwater in the Grotta dei Cordari

One of the most curious features of the Grotta dei Cordari is the unique effect created by rainwater, which penetrates from the vault through infiltrations and covers the ground, forming a thin lake of still and transparent water. Thanks to its particular chemical composition, sometimes the rainwa...
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Blue Dragonflies

The crystal clear waters of the Pantalica rivers are home to several species of animals. Some of the rarest and most unique are the colourful dragonflies and butterflies like the Lycaena bellargus, named "azzurrine" in Italian for their characteristic cerulean blue colour. ...
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The panoramic view from the cavea of the Greek theatre

In ancient times, the choice of the place of construction of the theater was not random. A typical feature of the Greek theaters was indeed the enhancement of the panoramic view. Even the Theater of Syracuse should not be exempt from this custom by offering a view of the arch of the port and the is...
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The cathedral’s superb façade, between chiaroscuro and contrast

In the extreme exuberance of its shapes and the richness of its decorations, the façade of the Cathedral of Syracuse offers itself up as a poem of curves and volutes. Its dramatic architectural style is dominated by playfulness and the fluidity of lines, and produces the typical feeling of the "joi...
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When the temples were colourful

In ancient times, Greek temples did not only have the pale marble and the surface of terracotta that we see today, a result of the passing of centuries. These buildings were originally decorated with bright colours obtained with cinnabar, ochre or mercury sulphide, and many other colours already kn...
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Blue Dragonflies

The crystal clear waters of the Pantalica rivers are home to several species of animals. Some of the rarest and most unique are the colourful dragonflies and butterflies like the Lycaena bellargus, named "azzurrine" in Italian for their characteristic cerulean blue colour. ...
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The panoramic view from the cavea of the Greek theater

The ancient Greeks carefully chose where to build the theatres. From the theatre you could always see a beautiful panorama. The theatre of Syracuse offered a view onto the port and the island of Ortygia. Today, from the steps of the ancient cavea, the view over the Mediterranean Sea is now obs...
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