The senses tell The Red Mountains

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The earthquake that changed the geography of eastern Sicily in 1693

On 11 January 1693, the whole of Sicily was devastated by a very strong earthquake. A 7.4 magnitude tremor hit the eastern coast of Sicily, between Catania and Syracuse. The devastating earthquake went down in history as the “Val di Noto earthquake”, destroying more than 45 towns and killing at...
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The 1669 eruption in Catania

“30 April 1669 was a crucial day for the population of Catania and for the city: under the pressure of the lava flow, a 57-metre-long stretch of wall collapsed between the Bastione degli Infetti and the Bastione del Tindaro, on the edge of the current historic centre. On that tragic day the lava f...
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The Red Mountains and the destructive eruption of 1669

The 17th century was a very troubled period for populations on the slopes of Etna. In fact, in 1607 a very intense eruptive phase began, in which there was emission of lava flows with extremely high and [approfondimenti id="32279" testo_link="unusual"] volumes (3 km3 in less than one hundred years, ...
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