The senses tell the living museum of the Almond tree

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The senses tell of the boy’s sarcophagus

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The life of young people in Roman times

For the ancient Romans, the first years of life of boys followed precise rules because childhood was considered a fundamental stage of life, without which they were unable to move on to the next stage of adulthood. As soon as they were born, children were held tight in swaddling clothes (it was th...
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The sarcophagus of the Child

Established with the advent of the cult of burial in the 2nd century AD, sarcophagi were very precious objects that only patrons with considerable economic availability could afford. These artefacts, often very valuable, had the function of guarding people’s memories and manifesting the values of...
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The tomb of Theron

Despite its name, the monument has nothing to do with [approfondimenti id="5417" testo_link="Theron"], the tyrant of Akragas in the 5th century BC: the name was given by travellers on the [approfondimenti id="5425" testo_link="Grand Tour"], who at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries came in grea...
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The Roman necropolis

The tendency of the Romans to flaunt their wealth is reflected not only in their houses, but by their funerary structures: tombs for the dead, like houses for the living, would have represented the owner’s social status and wealth. The necropolis of Agrigentum was positioned under the southern wa...
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