The spaces of private life

The senses tell the Agrigentum spa

Before body creams

In the most important thermal baths of the city, such as those of Caracalla, there were rooms where only fighters would go to sprinkle their skin with ceroma.
This was a substance made of oil and wax, fundamental to soften the skin, and a powder that made it rougher, in contrast to the oiliness of the initial mixture, which prevented the fighters from slipping out of their opponents’ hands during fights.

Vices and excesses of the imperial age

In the late imperial age the thermal baths became a place of perdition, severely criticised by the Romans themselves.
In fact, in the porticoes that surrounded the structures there were countless shops owned by innkeepers and tavern keepers where it was easy to come by food of all kinds, both sweet and savoury, and a great deal of wine. It was therefore very common to gather in these places between one bath and another, to eat abundantly and toast repeatedly with glasses of wine.

The vitality of the ancient Romans

Various literary testimonies tell us how the baths of the Urbe were anything but silent.
Bathers would noisily discuss current affairs and politics, players would count at the top of their lungs how many passes they could make with a ball, while beauticians would talk loudly with the women undergoing their treatments.
All this noise created a great hullabaloo, in which the ancient Romans, however, still managed to relax.

An exceptional discovery: the thermal baths of Agrigentum

Works for the muses: the mosaics of the Hellenistic-Roman quarter

The Oratory of Phalaris

The gods of Agrigento

Breathing in world heritage together

Cicero’s account: Agrigentum in In Verrem

The theatre of origins

From Akragas to Agrigentum

The Hellenistic-Roman quarter

The domus, guardians of private life

Moments of leisure: the theatre

The ancient port of Agrigentum

The Punic Wars and the final conquest of Akragas

The sarcophagus of the Child

The driver of Agrigentum’s well-being

Hellenistic heritage on the streets of Agrigentum

The Romans settle in Agrigentum

Roman affairs

The tomb of Theron

The centre of politics in Agrigentum

The forum in the city of the Akragantines

The provincial layout of Sicily

The Kolymbetra Garden

The life of young people in Roman times

Vegetation in the Gardens

Mens sana in corpore sano: the gymnasium of Agrigento

The Roman necropolis

The cult of the Emperor

The Living Almond Museum

The wellness centres of the Romans

Politics comparison: Akragas and Agrigentum

A Sanctuary for the Latin gods