The monumentalization of Akragas

Vegetation in the Gardens

In 2001 the Italian Environment Fund began work to salvage this lush area of plants and flowers, so that today the Kolymbetra Garden is rich in vegetation so varied that it accommodates types of citrus groves that were there in medieval times.
The highest parts of the valley are home to the typical plants of the Maquis shrubland: myrtle, mastic, broom, dwarf palm and many more. Their delicious scents sweeten the surrounding air and give wonderful colourful compositions reminiscent of Sicily’s warmth.
Towards the steepest part of the valley, on the other hand, where the water from the ancient feaci irrigation systems arrives, there are poplars and salt cedars, as well as a wonderful citrus grove with different varieties of mandarins, oranges and lemons.
Gli agrumi della Valle
The garden is also full of typical species such as prickly pear, almond , mulberry, carob and giant Saracen olive trees . In another area there is a garden for the seasonal cultivation of aubergines, cabbage, peppers, tomatoes and courgettes.

The Sanctuary of Asclepius: a place of welcome for the sick

The Temple of Demeter

The Akragas building sites

The lively decorations of the temple

The Kolymbetra Garden

Theron, tyrant of the arts and victories

The cult of Demeter and Persephone

The Temple of Asclepius

Phalaris, the terrible tyrant

The Temple of Concordia

The sanctuary of the chthonic deities

A monument for the victory over Carthage: the Temple of Olympian Zeus

Reinforcement of natural ramparts

Akragas in the beginning

The most beautiful city of mortals

Vegetation in the Gardens

The Temple of Heracles

From pagan cults to Christian worship: the Church of St. Gregory

The Temple of Hera Lacinia

The Twelve Labours of Heracles

The Eleusinian mysteries

The walls of Akragas in the fifth century BC

Empedocles, the political philosopher

Sacrifices for the goddesses that made the fields fertile