restorations and partial renovations and additions

The first restorations date back to around the 14th century, during the Aragonese period. Two inscriptions, located under the windows of the north aisle, have been preserved. The first inscription bears the date 1344/45 and mentions Peter II’s wife, Queen Elizabeth, as the financier of the work. The second mentions King Louis and Orlando de Brunello, the latter being the Cantor of the Palatine Chapel at the time. These mosaics probably refer to the wall of the royal throne. Restoration continued in the 15th century, when King John was in charge of the north aisle, evidenced by an inscription dated 1460 with the sovereign’s coat of arms and name. And they continued for years, also affecting the south side aisle and part of the central one. Also during King Louis’ reign, a document dated 24 January 1472 reports a payment to master marble worker Domenico Cangemi, identified by art historian Gioacchino Di Marzo as Domenico Gagini. Evidence of this could be the depiction in the dome by Brunelleschi, Domenico’s teacher, of the scene of Peter resurrecting Tabitha. In the 18th century, new restorations involved the artist Leopoldo del Pozzo in 1719, Mattia Moretti in 1753, and Cardini from 1779. Moretti and Cardini’s campaign ended in 1783. In 1838, under Ferdinand II, new renovations were undertaken, involving the mosaic decoration of the intradoses of the nave windows. From 1857, work was carried out on the northern colonnade of the nave, while between 1884 and 1896 Patricolo financed the mosaics in the Presbytery. The most recent interventions are those that lasted from 2004 to 2008, funded by the Würth Group.