Ovoid peristyle

In the Roman domus, the peristyle consists of a large courtyard surrounded by a colonnaded four-sided portico. This room usually had the function of hortus conclusus, an enclosed garden, decorated with statues and ornamental plants, often with pools and fountains.
Porticoed courtyards were also built to create open spaces connected to reception rooms, as in the specific case of the Villa del Casale where the peristyle, built in the area adjacent to the great triclinium, served as a scenic backdrop, highlighted by the large niche located in an end position opposite the entrance to the sala tricora.
The geometric composition, in this case moving away from the quadrangular convention, is ovoid in shape, which expands its scenic perspective. The peristyle was surrounded by an ambulacrum, with pillars and probably a pergola. Some water pipes were found in the centre of the courtyard, placed on a central axis, with nozzles to create spectacular water effects.