A space for the few: the bouleuterion

The bouleuterion, the hall of the council of representatives of the people, was built between the end of the 4th and the beginning of the 3rd century BC.
The structure was rectangular, with columns at the front, which enclosed a semicircular cavea open to the east.
The six rows of seats in the staircase were preceded by a front row for the authorities, with a backrest and armrests.
In the 3rd century AD, in the late Roman Empire, it was transformed into an Odeon, a place for listening to music and singing exercises, with a richly decorated mosaic floor.

Built, with local lapide material, between the end of the IV and the beginning of the third century BC, the bouleuterion of Agrigento was the seat of the board of Wise Men. The semicircular cavea opened eastwards was housed within a rectangular building with roof. From the archeological remains, the perimeter of the rectangular building can be clearly recognised; within it, inside, there are six rows of concentric seats. As an Imperial Age, the building was transformed into Odeion, a space dedicated to musical rehearsals and competitions of music, poetry and singing.