The project

The School and Communication Project for the Promotion of UNESCO Sites in Sicily

Funded by the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities (MiBACT) through Law 77/2006 and co-funded by the Sicilian Region, the project was brought about with the aim of creating synergy for the first time in Sicily between its seven World Heritage Sites using educational resources to convey knowledge about Sicilian cultural heritage, connecting tangible and intangible heritage.
The learning journey focuses strongly on the theme of accessibility, thanks to the use of immediate forms of communication and the implementation of inclusive activities, through the integration of cultural and social processes.
The main protagonists are young people and adults united by different life experiences and invited by educational sector experts to understand the cultural, historical-artistic, naturalistic and aesthetic-perceptual value of the seven UNESCO Heritage Sites. An innovative approach is used: it takes shape in the participation in two creative workshops for each Site, centred around the research and creative interpretation of its unique elements. The aim is to understand the diverse cultural identities connected to their surrounding territory. As part of the project, all the Sites are explained through multisensory journeys connected to each heritage and its territory in relation to history, folklore and traditions. The journeys can be accessed via a website or smartphone app that identifies users’ individual interests.