the Lord’s Table

In Christian worship, the altar represents the Lord’s table, where gifts are offered, where God is thanked and where the rite of Holy Mass is celebrated. In particular, it has vital importance because this is where the sacrifice of Christ for his people is re-enacted, which is why it is also sprinkled with incense. The original altar of the Basilica of Cefalù was placed under a ciborium in axis with the second cross. Mentioned in the inventory of canonical cellarer Bosone in 1149, it did not survive. The golden altarpiece was taken from the Cathedral during the reign of Frederick II.
The new altar is the work of artist Virginio Caminaghi. Made of cast and gilded bronze, its base is decorated with a band depicting the procession of the twenty-four Vigils, who praise God, assist him and offer prayers in the Apocalypse. At the centre of the altar, the lion, calf, eagle and man surround and worship the Immolated Lamb.