The frescoes in the Crypt of San Marciano

On the chapel walls there are four figures: the first on the left is a bearded saint with a nimbus, whose right hand blesses with his fingers outstretched according to the Eastern rite, while his left hand holds a cross.
The figure wears a red tunic under a black cloak.
The second figure is a younger saint, beardless with a long, thin nose and curly hair.
The style of clothing is oriental: a grey tunic with wide sleeves and a red pallium wraps the body.
The figure is St. John the Evangelist. Next to him there is a Madonna holding the child to her breast. Her head is covered by a turquoise veil, while the child wears a heavenly tunic and a red cloak and holds a small spool in his left hand.
The final figure is not very visible. From the writing below, it appears to be St. Vitus.
Gli affreschi nella Cripta di S. Marciano