St. Paul preaches in the Latomie

A watercolour on paper, painted in 1867 by the artist Francesco Paolo Priolo and kept in the Museum of Palazzo Bellomo, depicts a curious event: in the year 61 AD, during a stop on his way to Rome, the apostle Paul was said to have spoken to the Syracusans at the Latomie.
In the work you can see the Saint preaching inside a cave, which clearly looks to be the Grotta dei Cordari, as seen from the slope of the walls, depicted as a theatrical backdrop.
The Saint is portrayed with his right hand raised in the act of preaching, surrounded by his companions and a devout crowd who are listening attentively to him.
The figures in both the foreground and the background are drawn with a sure hand and the most varied human expressions, using an intense contrast between light and shadow.

San Paolo pre
“San Paolo predica nelle Latomie di Siracusa” – acquarello su carta, cm 56×83, inventario 294 provenienza Palermo, collezione Tirenna. Autore Francesco Paolo Priolo (PA 1818-1892). Foto di R. Sigismondi Per gentile concessione della Galleria Regionale di Palazzo Bellomo – Siracusa