renovation work

After the restoration of the bell tower in 1726 by Giovanni Amico, numerous transformations were carried out from 1781, especially inside the Cathedral. While the initial project was the work of the royal architect Ferdinando Fuga, the work was carried out by the architect Venanzio Marvuglia, with more invasive renovations than those planned by the Florentine, such as the dismantling of Antonello Gagini’s grandiose marble Tribune, located in the apse. Other transformations involved the side chapels. The most evident works, which also erased parts of the original building, focused on the eastern side. In fact, as is customary, the Titulo and Antititulo were present in the Sanctuary area of the ancient Norman basilica. The Antititulo, in particular, was a transverse space that divided the triapsidal area from the Titulo area. The latter also included the choir, the space for the tombs of the kings and the tombs of the bishops. The works erased the Titulo and Antititulo and also led to the creation of a transept with a dome in the centre and two chapels, one dedicated to the Blessed Sacrament and one to St Rosalie. In addition, a more incisive extension of the choir to the main apse led to the formation of a large central chapel.