Is Etna the highest active volcano in Europe?

It is often said that Etna, with its almost 3400 metres of elevation and climbing, is the highest active volcano in Europe. But this is not true.
From a purely official standpoint, the highest active volcano in Europe is Teide, with 3718 metres of elevation on the island of Tenerife, in the Canary Islands. Therefore, Etna would be the second highest volcano. In truth, we could argue that the Canary Islands geographically belong to Africa, since they are located in line with southern Morocco in the Atlantic Ocean.
However, we must also consider that all the volcanic succession below Etna’s summit does not start from sea level, but from non-volcanic land located around 800 metres above sea level. The “net” altitude would therefore “only” be 2600 metres, meaning Etna is not the highest active volcano in Europe. The island of Stromboli in the Aeolian Islands, 940 metres above sea level and 2000 metres below sea level, could therefore undoubtedly be defined the highest volcano in Europe.